
Tea ingen Lugdech

  • Temair Breg
  • (agents)
eponym of Temair Breg (Hill of Tara) in the Dinnshenchas of Temair I; described as a daughter of Lugaid and wife of Érimón, king of Ireland

See also: Érimón mac Míled
Érimón mac Míled
(time-frame ass. with Míl Espáine, Érimón mac Míled, Éber Finn mac Míled, Irish legendary history)
In Irish pseudo-historical tradition, one of the sons of Míl Espáine, leader of the Milesians, and king of the northern half of Ireland, while his brother Éber rules the south. Éber is defeated in battle by Érimón, the first of the Goídil to become high-king of all Ireland.

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Íriel Fáid mac Érimóin
Íriel Fáid mac Érimóin
(time-frame ass. with Irish legendary history)
In Irish pseudo-historical tradition, one of the earliest kings of Ireland, a son of Érimón mac Míled, king of the northern half of Ireland, and Tea. Both Íriel and Írial (with or without length mark) are common spellings, but occasional variants like Iarél occur. He is said to have been succeeded by his son Ethriel.

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Temair BregTemair Breg
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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2016